There’s probably never been a time since the invention of the internal-combustion engine with so much change impacting fleet management decisions. New technologies seem like they’re coming every day. Companies that previously weren’t involved in shipping (or didn’t even exist a decade ago) are suddenly at the forefront of a new wave of shipping.
We expect to be offering Kenworth trucks for sale for many years to come, but the landscape is still changing. These are the potential companies reshaping the future of trucking and setting the trends that other brands will likely follow.
How Three Companies Are Disrupting Trucking and Fleet Management
1. Tesla
Elon Musk’s vehicle company is coming to be known for two things: all-electric vehicles, and self-driving automation. While self-driving technology is several years away, an all-electric unit is nearing the market with Tesla’s own truck. In testing and due to hit the road in 2019, the Tesla truck will be a true paradigm shift in the industry: a truck fully powered by electric motors.
It won’t need regular fuel. It’s just plugged in at its destination.
If Tesla pulls this off, we suspect every truck manufacturer will follow suit sooner or later.
2. Amazon
Amazon is known for revolutionizing shipping and logistics, and they’re becoming increasingly interested in trucking for this reason. Their biggest innovation may be the introduction of Amazon Lockers. These are basically self-store units which can be loaded up with goods that only an authorized truck/trucker can access, allowing for quick and easy loading. They could potentially be an excellent way to avoid “deadhead” runs, or even to top off a truck that isn’t at capacity while on the road.
3. Uber
Uber is challenging the idea of vehicle ownership in the civilian market, and they’re starting to bring the same ideas to trucking. Trucks are already expensive, and trucks with full automation (and the insurance to match) will be even more expensive. So why not extend their high-tech ridesharing program to include tractor-trailers?
Just as Uber hasn’t shut down regular car sales, we’re sure this won’t affect Kenworth trucks for sale anytime soon. It could possibly be attractive to smaller operations looking to get off the ground.
Coopersburg & Liberty Kenworth
Until then, Coopersburg & Liberty Kenworth still offers an excellent range of Kenworth trucks for sale. Visit us to see for yourself!
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