If you’re considering a move into the world of dump truck driving, it’s a great time for it! The entire commercial hauling industry is facing a labor shortage, and that means you could demand a premium for your services. You could probably even get your employer to foot the bill for training and licensing.
Of course, like all jobs, driving a dump truck isn’t perfect – but it’s got a lot of upsides.
Four Major Benefits of Dump Truck Driving
1 – Good hourly pay
It’s hard to even estimate pay rates because some companies are paying a real premium right now. There’s a good chance you could start off making $15/hr, or more, and that could easily go way up with experience. Some independent owner-operators make $200,000+ a year!
2 – Easy Loading/Unloading
Most traditional truckers spend a lot of time manually hauling boxes around and assisting with loading and unloading. With a dump truck, this part is easy! Loading and unloading is short and easy, requiring a minimum of effort on your part.
3 – Local Driving
If you like the idea of being a truck driver, but don’t like the idea of spending days on the road at a time, dump truck driving is definitely for you. You’ll do nearly all your driving within a relatively small radius. You may not even cross state lines since every state has different regulations for dump trucks. If a company needs materials hauled interstate, they’ll usually load it onto a tractor-trailer instead.
Of course, this does risk burnout from repetition. Dump driving work is steady, but it’s kind of like driving a bus – you’re likely to drive the same route a lot.
4 – Spend Time with your Family
It can be downright difficult for a long-haul trucker to have a family because they spend so much time on the road. But that’s not a concern for dump truck drivers! You’ll be home at night, every night, with only very rare exceptions. That’s good for you and it’s good for your family.
When It’s Time to Own Your Own Dump Truck, Come to Coopersburg & Liberty Kenworth
We have a vast selection of Kenworth dump trucks available, with both new and used options to fit a wide variety of budgets and needs – as well as a huge parts and accessories store. For all your dump truck needs, come visit Coopersburg & Liberty & Kenworth!