
Tips for Truckers Buying a Used Truck

August 22, 2017
Buy a Used Truck
  • Dump trucks are essential when heavy things like construction material need to be transported. Kenworth dump trucks for sale are the perfect solution for lifting and transporting heavy loads due to their robust design and heavy-duty capabilities.
  • On the downside, dump trucks can be really expensive and can set you back by a lot of money. Not everyone is capable of making this investment right away, even if they need a truck immediately. The best solution in such a case is to look for a well-maintained used dump truck; it is less expensive than a new one, yet does the job fine.
  • There are several concerns that go through a person’s mind when considering a used truck. But unlike what most people think, used trucks aren’t always of low quality. If you know what to look for in a used heavy truck, then you can have a winner. Here are four things you should look for when buying used Kenworth dump trucks for sale:

The Exterior

When inspecting a used heavy truck, the exterior is what first catches the eye. Take your time to inspect the body of the truck. Run your hand along the surface to check for rust, defects, or signs of damage. Check for any major repair work, and don’t forget to inspect the tires for any leakage or alignment problem.

Frame Rails

Once you are done with the body, come to the frame rails of the truck. If you find any sag or bend in the frame rails, it means a problem of overloading. Make sure to check for signs of damage or decay, and examine the axles to determine how comfortable the truck is to drive and operate.

Interior and Operation

The interior of the truck is another important part to examine. Get inside the truck and check if the interiors are in good condition, and if there’s any sign of damage or recent repair. Drive the truck for a while to see if all parts function properly. Check the brakes, lights, and the lifting rods and cylinder for smooth functioning.

The Engine

When starting the truck, notice if you hear any unusual noise, thudding, or knocks. All these are symptoms of issues with the engine. If you don’t have the expertise required to examine the engine, take a qualified mechanic along to assist in examining the vehicle.

Looking for Kenworth dump trucks for sale? Call us to find perfect solutions for Kenworth T680 trucks!

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